Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Let it Snow. Let it Snow. Let it Snow

As i am sitting in my hotel room in College Station, Texas at 6:00 AM CST I am finally posting about our snow storm we had on Saturday. Saturday morning we had a small dusting of snow (maybe 1/2 inch). There was a local event going on near our house. One of our friends was debating (after committing to another mutual friend) on not attending due to the snow out on the roads. At the time we had heard this all the roads were completely clear and the snow was beginning to melt. I thought to myself the whole city must be shutting down (lol). I was definitely laughing about this. They ended up going. Later on in hte day we had between 4-5 inches of snow fall at our house. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow

1 comment:

Meghan said...

6:00 AM CST, how does that relate to PAT (pacific Adam time)?
Now I must say, I was a bit frazzled driving home in the height of the storm.
Does your mom like snow?